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Our Mission & Vision

To love God, love people, and make disciples. To bring wholeness to the world through healthy biblical communities of holy people multiplying disciples, leaders, groups and churches.

Our Calling 

We believe that from its inception God called the Free Methodist Church to, “reform the nation, in particular the church; to spread Scriptural holiness over the land.” (John Wesley)

In 2019, God spoke to the leaders in the Free Methodist Church in the UK and Ireland calling us to expand to 100 churches and more by 2034. This is primarily accomplished through church planting as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.

How we do this

The Free Methodist Church reaches into countries all around the world and provides opportunities for people to connect and encounter Jesus through diverse expressions. What unites us together is our identity.

Set Free

God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to set us free from sin, shame and fear. Jesus makes a way for us to experience healing and live a life full of power and purpose. The good news is that this freedom is available to everyone who chooses to repent and make Jesus their King. In this we are Wesleyan-Arminian in theology.

Set Free

Having been set free by Jesus He promises to give the Holy Spirit to guide us and empower us to go on living free. God’s grace enables us to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1) that we may live in His freedom. In this we are Holy Spirit led.

Set Free

This freedom that we have in Jesus is so amazing that we do not want to keep it to ourselves. Just as Jesus stepped down from heaven to bring us freedom, we believe that He calls us to be His hands, feet and voice in this hurting world to bring the good news to as many people as possible. In this we are missional in word and deed.

The Free Methodist Way

God Given Revelation God Given Revelation

We hold unwaveringly to our conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. It bears unerring witness to Jesus Christ, the living Word, and is the trustworthy record of God’s revelation. It has been faithfully preserved and proves itself true in human experience.

While the church will always be tasked with authentically communicating and applying biblical truths with sensitivity to cultural dynamics, we do not subjugate the Bible’s timeless truths to cultural norms or social trends.

Life-Giving Holiness Life-Giving Holiness

God’s call to holiness was never meant to be a burden, but a gift that liberates us for life that is truly life by delivering us from the destructive power of sin.

All who are born again are made right with God by the finished work of Jesus Christ and called to experience the fullness of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Forgiven and filled, we approach life with confidence that we are acceptable to God even as He continues to transform our character and behaviour to become more and more like Jesus. Life-giving holiness, then, is the fruit of full surrender to the loving reign of God over every aspect of our lives, establishing within us love that is truly love.

We invite every believer to embrace the transforming work of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to love and serve God and others in joyful obedience.

Cross-Cultural Collaboration Cross-Cultural Collaboration

From the beginning, God’s intent was to have a people from every nation, culture and ethnicity, united in Christ and commissioned to carry out His work in the world.

Today we celebrate the beauty of a multicultural and multi-ethnic church in over 100 countries around the world. Globally, we continue to send missionaries to other nations even as we rejoice that the nations are increasingly coming to us. Freely sharing our own gifts and resources, we are also challenged and inspired by the faithfulness, perseverance, ceaseless prayer, theological insights, and spiritual wisdom of our international brothers and sisters. Without question, we are better together.

Love-Driven Justice Love-Driven Justice

Love is the way we demonstrate God’s heart for justice by valuing the image of God in all men, women, and children, acting with compassion toward the oppressed, resisting oppression, and stewarding creation. Our heart for justice is fuelled by God’s holy love for the unborn, the vulnerable, oppressed, marginalised, and people of all races and ethnicities.

We desire to not only realise a better society, but that all may be reconciled to God and one another in ways that reflect God’s just character.

Christ-Compelled Multiplication Christ-Compelled Multiplication

Through the life Jesus lived, the message He proclaimed, His sacrificial death, resurrection and ascension, Jesus Christ set into motion a redemptive movement destined to fill the whole earth.

Jesus’ approach to discipleship was primarily a relational one in which He poured His life into a few with the full expectation that they would follow His example. His aim was not merely the transmission of information, but the transformation of lives by empowering those who followed Him to do what He had been doing. His mission is now our mission.

We believe this redemptive movement of multiplication applies to every believer and should permeate our Free Methodist culture at every level: the found reaching the lost, disciples making disciples, leaders developing leaders, churches planting churches, and movements birthing movements.

Our heart is to see God’s Kingdom expand exponentially as ordinary people are equipped by God’s power to do extraordinary things.

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