Join Free Methodists
Are you considering life in the Free Methodist Church UK?
Individuals, leaders and churches join Free Methodists from many backgrounds.

You can join in various ways:
- Join a local Free Methodist Church
- Start a Free Methodist Micro Church
- Affiliate your church with the FMC
- Train for ordination
Ministerial Training
Free Methodists can offer you a journey towards ordination. Those who are exploring a call to ministry in the Free Methodist Church will begin this journey in one of three ways: Relationship, Referral and Recruitment. During the journey a mentor will be assigned to the person as a resource for their journey encouragement and to help facilitate reflective learning.
Lived Out Values
We are committed to equipping, resourcing, training and facilitating leaders and teams as they plant new works and revitalise existing churches.
Following ordination, the individual continues to serve the FMCUK in modelling continued growth and development as they live out the following:
1. Accountable relationships to Ministry Board and national leaders and healthy local leadership dynamics. We value grace expressed through love.
2. Access to resources that will help both develop them in a commitment to life long learning and enable them to lead the church to fruitful growth and multiplication. We value holiness expressed through transformed lives.
3. Willingness to reflect on ministry effectiveness. We value effectiveness through equipped and engaged disciples.
The Affiliation Track –
What To Expect
During this initial contact the designated representatives / leaders of the church will meet, usually with a member of the National Leadership Team, for an initial understanding of the Free Methodist Church. This will include an initial understanding of:
1. Our identity
2. Our theology
3. Our story

The ‘Engagement’ Process
True relationship is the strength of the church and any ministry. By intentionally being engaged in events, gatherings and connection points that Free Methodists create, you will draw strength from others, and provide it as well. There are Free Methodist events and meet-ups going on year-round, across the country. Our national leadership team are committed to pairing with you, offering support as needed as you pastor your community.
The ‘Discernment’ Process
We want to see pastors grow healthier as leaders because we know that is what makes churches thrive. We have created a relational structure and after training, you’ll have a Free Methodist representative that will help you continue the application and church planting process. A deeper understanding of the life, ministry and organisation of the Free Methodist Church will now be undertaken. Understanding our core theology, identity, mission and organisational oversight will be shared in the following ways:
1. Meetings with members of the National Leadership Team.
2. Invitation to our national gatherings, pastor / leader retreats and regional hubs to build relationship and understanding.
3. Invitation to our Wesleyan Theology weekends and Free Methodist family weekends.
4. Exploring partnership sessions which allow church members to have an understanding of the Free Methodist family.
The Free Methodist Family
Free Methodists are a connected people sharing resources in order to do the Lord’s work. Here in the UK, we join together at our pastors gatherings, conferences and regional hubs to be encouraged and resourced for our mission. The Book of Discipline helps to bind the church together with a common set of beliefs and a shared heritage. Globally, Free Methodists join under a common constitution.

What Next?
You may be thinking and praying about planting a church or looking to join Free Methodist UK as an existing church. Talk to us – let’s have a conversation to see which pathway suits you best. To get in touch just click here