Why Free Methodist ?
Free Methodist Church UK is made up of leaders and churches with a desire to see healthy and thriving churches in all communities. We work with congregations to reach people with the message of Jesus. This is done through building strong relationships, sharing valuable resources and planting healthy Biblical congregations in the UK & Ireland.
Who can be ordained ?
We believe that God calls men and women, and they are characterised by both spiritual gifts and personal graces. Gifts are special endowments of abilities. Graces are special qualities of character. Both have their source in the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
According to Genesis 1, God’s original plan was for men and women to rule together in harmony. By their harmonious relationship they are to reflect the relationship of the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We therefore believe it right to recognise what the church perceives to be ministry anointed by God – whether this be in a male or female.
Applicants must be over 18 & have a clear DBS.
Ordination could be useful for anyone desiring to become a church leader, develop their pastoral leadership or work in a chaplaincy context.
How can I become a Free Methodist minister ?
If you get in touch with our office, our National Leader will then contact you and arrange to meet up. There is then ministerial training and an interview process. We will take accredited prior learning into consideration and successful applications will have the opportunity to progress to become a Rev/minister/chaplain in the Free Methodist church.
What Next ?
• Visit a Free Methodist church Find a Church
• Arrange an initial consultation with the National Leader
• Be introduced to other Free Methodist church leaders
If you would like information on the application process for ministerial accreditation into the Free Methodists, please contact us